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Brief introduction

Human Rights and Networking Coordinator – Programme Manage, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)


Doctor in Philosophy; Politics, international relations and human rights law, 2004, Lancaster University, UK

Academic profile

Eva Sobotka is currently the Networking and Human Rights Coordinator – Programme Manager in the Department Equality and Citizens Rights at the European Agency for Fundamental Rights.  In her current role, she manages the Agency’s work on Roma, Holocaust and Human Rights Education and wider issues of racism, including antisemitism, islamophobia.  Specifically, her key priorities are to: (i) ensure that evidence based advise on fundamental rights is used by Agency’s key stakeholders; (ii) promote efficient and effective analyses and networking with a view of increasing implementation of human rights in the EU; and (iii) coordinate internal and external partnerships with key stakeholders including European Commission, the Council of Europe, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Committee of the Regions and relevant issue driven networks. She has published widely on the situation of minorities in the EU, fundamental rights in the EU, in particular the Roma and conflict resolution.


  • Sobotka, Eva (2011) Influence of Civil Society Actors on Formulation of Roma
  • Issues within the EU Framework in International Journal on Minority and Group Rights 18 (2011) 235–256.
  • Sobotka Eva (2010) Special Contact Mechanisms for Roma in Marc Weller (ed.) Political participation of minorities: a commentary on the OSCE Lund Recommendations on the effective participation of national minorities in public life. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sobotka Eva (2010) Multilateral Frameworks of Conflict Resolution. In Karl Cordell, Stefan Wolf (eds.). Routledge Handbook on Ethnic Conflict.  London and New York: Routledge.


Human rights, EU institutions, governance, international relations, conflict

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