
Aleksandra PUDLISZAK (Polish and Dutch)

Country of residence

The Netherlands

Brief introduction

PhD-candidate, Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation (CEDLA) & Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), The Netherlands


MA in History (cum laude), 2005, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen), The Netherlands

Academic profile

My current research interests include state policies towards Roma/Gypsies throughout the 20th century and their connection to the formation of modern Argentina. The first part of the PhD-project seeks to understand the place of Roma/Gypsies within Argentine ´ethnic´ relations and their historical transformations against the background of changing intellectual trends and shifting categorizations in science. The second part focuses on Gypsies´ oral accounts. Oral history is used to discover how actors have constructed their Gypsy identities in Argentina, partly as a response to stigmatizing policies and prejudices. This research combines historical and anthropological methods and involves a wide variety of records ranging from iconographic material, scientific journals, newspapers, novels and folkloric sources to government reports. During fieldwork the stress will lie on the qualitative research with emphasis on interviews and to a lesser extent on the participant observation. For analytical purposes a distinction is made between discourses and social practices. I have experience in conducting historical and anthropological research: Peru (2003-2004), Argentina (2009, 2011-2012). My PhD-project aspires to contribute to a deeper understanding of often oppressed groups in an under-researched socio-cultural and historical context. It is hoped that valuable comparisons will become possible with earlier investigations on European Gypsies.


  • 2012: ‘Gitanos por estigma. La construcción de inmigrantes indeseables en Argentina en las primeras décadas del siglo veinte’, article submitted to Boletín de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani” .
  • 2011: ‘El pasado en un país extraño: algunas reflexiones sobre la investigación histórica en Argentina’, Jornadas de investigadores en formación. Reflexiones en torno al proceso de investigación. Memorias Colectivas e Identidades de Grupo.
  • 2010: ‘Gypsyness at stake. Identity politics in Buenos Aires’, Tsiganologische Mitteilungen: Sonderausgabe “Netzwerken III” 2: 2-10.


Roma/Gypsies, Argentina, migration, identity politics

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