
Annabel TREMLETT  

Country of residence

United Kingdom

Brief introduction

Senior lecturer, University of Portsmouth, UK


PhD in Cultural Studies 2007, KING’S COLLEGE LONDON

Academic profile

I am interested in the interface between public and local representations of minority groups and social inclusion in Europe, with a particular interest in Roma minorities. With a passion for using innovative research methods for marginalised groups such as photo elicitation, I also enjoy using a critical application of approaches from sociology, social anthropology and cultural studies. A turning point in my life was when I lived in Hungary from 2000-2002 as part of a pan-European youth programme. My experiences in Hungary, including grassroots work with Roma children and families, motivated me to do postgraduate studies that included 15 months of ethnographic research in a primary school in the Southern Great Plain region of Hungary. Currently I am using skills gained through my PhD to begin exploring experiences of migrants from Hungary in the UK, with a particular interest in migrants working as carers. I also volunteer on an art project with a Traveller site in the South of England. I teach on research methods and different aspects of social inclusion in the Professional Area of Social Work at the University of Portsmouth.


  • Forthcoming (accepted for publication 2012) ‘“Here are the Gypsies!” The importance of self-representations & how to question prominent images of Roma minorities’. Ethnic and Racial Studies.
  • 2009. ‘Bringing hybridity to heterogeneity: Roma and the question of ‘difference’ in Romani Studies’ Romani Studies 5. Vol.19, No.2, pp. 147-168.
  • Forthcoming 2013‘Roma, non-Roma and the modern working-class (familiar) stranger’in Miskovic, M. (Ed.) Roma Education in Europe (London: Routledge)


Ethnography, representations, minorities, marginalisation, Roma

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