
Danijel VOJAK  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Senior research assistant, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Croatia


PhD, History, 2011, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Academic profile

I started with scientific research of the history of Rome when I had graduated in 2003 on Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (University of Zagreb) with the title The Chosen examples from history of Roma in Europe in the first half of the 20th Century. I continued with the research of the history of the Roma minority in the Croatian region on postgraduate study of the history on same Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, were I had obtained my master degree in 2006 on the topic of Perception of Romany population in the Croatian society on the regional unit district in the period 1929 – 1939. Five years later I had completed my Phd with the topic In the theme of the eve of the War: Position of the Roma population in Banate of Croatia in the period 1939 - 1941. In the period from 2004 till today I have published some twenty scientific papers and had held five presentations at conferences on the history of Roma in Croatia. In my work I tried to focus on analyzing the relationship between indigenous (majority) population and the Roma minority population in this area. In the next phase of my research I will analyse the position and extent of the suffering of Roma during the Second World War in the pro-Nazi Croatian Independent State.


  • Inicijativa Hrvatsko-slavonskog gospodarskog društva za reguliranjem "ciganskog pitanja" u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji krajem XIX. st. (Inititative of the Croatian-Slavonic Economic Society in Solving the "Gypsy Question" in Croatia and Slavonia at the End of the 19th Century ). Društvena istraživanja 18 (2009), 6. p.1153 – 1171.
  • Romsko stanovništvo u popisima stanovništva uHrvatskoj i Slavoniji u razdoblju 1850. - 1910. (The Romany (Gypsy) population in the censuses in Croatia and Slavonia in the period 1850 - 1910). Časopis za suvremenu povijest 36 (2004), 2, p. 701– 728.
  • Bilješke iz povijesti Roma na području Slavonije,1850.-1941. (Notes on the history of Romany people in Slavonia, 1850-1941), Scrinia Slavonica:Godišnjak Podružnice za povijest Slavonije, Srijema i Baranje hrvatskog instituta za povijest, 5 (2005), p. 432 – 461.


Romany, minorities, local /regional history, emigration.

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