
Irina ILISEI  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

PhD Student in Roma Studies, National School of Political and Administrative Studies


MA Politics for Gender and Minorities, 2012, National School of Poltical and Administrative Studies

Academic profile

I am interested in social mobility of Roma women in what concerns access to higher education. I am preoccupied specially on the topic of intersectionality between gender, ethnicity, social class, etc.


  • „The Situation of Roma women. Between feminism amd multiculturalism”. Paper presented at the ‘Thriving on the Edge of Cuts’ Conference (University of Leeds, Great Britain)
  • 2010: The situation of women in Aromanian communities in Romania; New magazine of Human Rights, nr.2/2010; C.H. BECK


Intersectionality between gender, ethnicity, class, social mobility of Roma women

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