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Brief introduction
Lecturer (Maitre-assistante), Université de Genève, Sociology department
PhD anthropology (docteure en sciences humaines et sociales), 2007, Université de Neuchâtel
Academic profile
Previously preoccupied by Roma women, I continue to be interested in conjugality, sexual division of labor, pollution, clothing, representation of the Other and ethnical categorisation whithin Roma communities. Gender in Roma commnities is also a potical issue in the governance agenda of local and national policies: my actual research aim is to describe and analyse how the polical power deals with the ethnical definition of gender and how different contradictions occur in these spaces of negociation.
- « Le temps des Gitans … mais pas celui des Gitanes. Mondialisation, ethnicité et patriarcat chez les Roms/Tsiganes Kaldarari de Roumanie » in Recherches féministes 17 -2/2004: 13-42
- « Bori et r(R)omni. Réflexions sur les rapports sociaux de sexe chez les Roms căldărari de Roumanie » in Etudes Tsiganes 31-32/2008 : 116-143.
- “Imagining the Gypsy Woman: Representations of Roma in a Romanian Museum” in Third Text, 22/ 3 May, 2008: 347-357.
Gender, ethnicity, governance of poor and marginalised populations
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