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Brief introduction

Director at the Public Policy Advocacy Centre


MA, Political Science, 2011, Sofia University “St. Climent Ohridski” / MA, Accounting and Financial Control, 1992, University of National and World Economy, Sofia

Academic profile

The main work of my scholarly research until this moment is my MA thesis entitled, “State Policy on Roma and Participation of Roma in the Political and Social Life in Bulgaria in the period 1997-2007”, which I defended in 2011 at the Political Science Department of Sofia University. Forthcoming is the publication of my article “Segregation and the Roma”, in the European Yearbook for Minority Issues. I have substantive practical experience in the field of Roma integration policies in Bulgaria and internationally in a period of very dynamic political and social developments in Europe – the period after 1989. For seven years I worked with a Roma rights advocacy organization based in Bulgaria which launched key policy discussions on the integration of Roma. As a senior manager in the Open Society Foundations and the Roma Education Fund I promoted good NGO practice that has influenced Roma integration policies in Europe. This background gives a rich content for my current and future academic endeavors focused on the Roma movement in the transition period in CEE. The analysis of the last two decades of the Roma movement is an important area of academic work and equally important is the active participation of Roma scholars in this work.


  • The Bulgarian Framework Programme for Equal Integration of Roma: Participation in the policy-making process, Roma Rights, 2001, European Roma Rights Centre;
  • Desegregation of Romani Education: Challenges and Successes” Separate and Unequal: Combating Discrimination Against Roma, 2004, A Source Book, Public Interest Law Initiative;
  • Equal Opportunity in Education: Eliminating Discrimination against Roma, UN Chronicle, 2007.


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