

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Professor, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona


PhD in Social Anthropology 1991, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Academic profile

Professor of Social Anthropology since 1992, she has been visiting scholar in several universities in Europe and in North and South America. She is in charge of EMIGRA, a research group on Education, Migration and Childhood and has over 20 years experience conducting research and organising professional in-service and advance research training.  She has been principal investigator and local partner of a series of national and international projects and has supervised more than 40 Master thesis and 17 PhD dissertations. She has published books and scientific papers in the areas of childhood, migration and education as well as on health, gender and social change, including the first reports on children, families and immigration published in Spain (for the Institute of Childhood and Urban World, BCN), where she was in charge of the Area of Children and Migration until 2007. She is also a consultant for national and international agencies and reviewer of the European Science Foundation for the Social Sciences Committee. In 2009 she was appointed vice-director of the newly created interdisciplinary Centre for the Study and Research on Migrations at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona at UAB, where she co-directs the Master program on International Migrations.


  • Carrasco, S.(Ed.) (2012) Immigration and the national politics of schooling: comparative ethnographies in California and Catalonia, Amsterdam: Peter Lang Publ. (book; forthcoming)
  • Carrasco, S., Pàmies, J. & Ponferrada, M. (2011) Fronteras visibles y barreras ocultas: la experiencia escolar del alumnado marroquí en Cataluña y mexicano en California, in Revista Migraciones, 29, pp 31-60 (paper)
  • Abajo, J. E & Carrasco, S. (2004) Experiencias y trayectorias de éxito escolar de gitanas y gitanos en España. Colección Mujeres en la Educación, no. 4. Madrid: CIDE-Instituto de la Mujer (book)


Education, migration & minorities, public policy, children & youth, social inequality

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