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Brief introduction

PhD candidate, Université Bordeaux Segalen


MA, Anthropology, Université Bordeaux Segalen

Academic profile

In general, more than their “culture”, my research focuses on the common point of these different individuals defined as “Roma” or “Gypsy” in different places in their luminal situation, at the margins of societies. The fields on education, housing and relationships with institutions are the object of my research who question both the identity and place of these people in our societies and, more broadly, within the European area today. Regarding my current PhD research, on the one hand, my work consists on an ethnography of institutional and associative practices and discourses of reception and treatment of Roma migrants in the city of Bordeaux. Most of them are from Bulgaria (Pazardzhik and Peshtera), and few from Romania. On the other hand, a part of my research is about Roma's experiences of migration, from home to host countries.


  • « "Produire des Tsiganes". Les Tsiganes et l’école dans un village de Roumanie », in LE MARCIS et LURBE Y PUERTO Coord (2011, à paraître) Les Endo-étrangers en Europe. Catégorisations et expériences de subjectivation. Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia Bruylant.
  •  « Enseigner dans un "village tsigane" de Roumanie: construction et dynamique d’une catégorisation identitaire », Hors-série La Scolarisation des élèves roms, tsiganes et voyageurs, Cahiers Pédagogiques (septembre 2010).


Migration patterns, experiences of migration, transnationalism, local governance of the “Roma issue”, categorization process

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