Andrej Belak
Country of residence
Brief introduction
MSc, physical anthropology, 2005, Charles University in Prague
Academic profile
Drawing from my primary education in physical anthropology and my initial ethnographic field experience among segregated Roma in Slovakia, I am attempting to devise and to negotiate among the health experts targeting Roma involving health-status disparities in the region a theoretically more complex, morally more sensitive, and (thus) also a practically more efficient approach. To achieve this, I am following a multi-sited fieldwork strategy following all actors involved in maintaining health-disparities according to a contemporary WHO model of social determinants of health (from Roma themselves through health-system practitioners and NGOs to local authorities and political representatives), combining methods and methodologies of medical anthropology, social epidemiology and public health.
Health-system limitations of Roma health in Slovakia: A qualitative study; Bratislava, Slovakia: WHO Country Office in Slovakia 2013
Za polidšťování biomedicíny přednostmi etnografie. [Making biomedicine more humane employing ethnography], Cargo Journal; Czech Association for Social Anthropology, Special issue on Symmetrical anthropology (accepted manuscript) 2013
Zdravie očami vylúčených: Medicínsko-antropologická štúdia stredoslovenskej rómskej osady. [Health through eyes of those excluded: A medical-anthropological study of a segregated Romani settlement in Central Slovakia] Charles University MD Thesis, 2005
medical anthropology, public health, epidemiology
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