

Country of residence

Czech Republic

Brief introduction

Assistant Professor, Chair, Charles University in Prague


PhD. in Ethnology / Social Anthropology, 2008 – doctorat en co-tutelle (EHESS, Paris and Charles University, Institute of Ethnology, Prague)

Academic profile

My continuous interest is in the social formation of social margins after 1989 with emphasis on dis/continuities in the marginalization of Roma. I am particularly interested in survival strategies, their moral contestations and the ensuing public reassertion of cultural/racial/ethnic boundaries. Currently I am carrying out a historical-cum-ethnographic research on family policies targeting Roma during socialism and the biographies of children taken away from their families to be raised in state children’s homes.


  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2012. Čas Borůvek: etnografie cikánství v životě Romů. Slon: Praha (forthcoming)
  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2010. Crediting Recognition: monetary transactions of poor Roma. In Multi-disciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies, M. Stewart and M. Rovid (eds.), CEU Press, Budapest, pp- 91-107.
  • Y. Abu Ghosh. 2008. Introduction: Roma and Gadje. Anthropology of East Europe Review 25(2): 5-12 (special issue co-editor with Krista Hegburg)


Marginality, poverty, identity, memory, sociability

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