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Brief introduction
Professor at the University of Barcelona
PhD in Educational Sciences, 2008, University of Barcelona
Academic profile
Licensed in Sociology at the University of Barcelona and PhD in Educational Sciences with a thesis on Romani Teenagers and their educational success, I am currently teaching Sociology of Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Contemporary Sociology Theory at the Faculty of Sociology (University of Barcelona). My research expertise has been on which educational successful actions contribute to a better results of Romani people at school and a wider access to higher education. As well, my interest has also been centered in labor market access and the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning regarding Romani people. Gender has been one of the main topics of my research experience, whether in the Romani woman education or labor market access. As well, I collaborate with the Romani Association of Women Drom Kotar Mestipen from which we work together with stakeholders to overcome its inequalities. Its main activities are Roma Students Meetings, Romani Women Exchanges, Trainers Courses or the organization in Barcelona of the 1st International Congress of Romani Women: The Other Women.
- Aubert, A. (2011). “Moving beyond social exclusion through dialogue”. International Studies in Sociology of Education 21(1), 63-75
- Aubert, A.; Flecha, A. (2009).”Contract on dialogic inclusion: how to get out of the ghetto”. Psychology, Society, & Education 1(1), 61-70
- Aubert, A.; Flecha, A.; García, C.; Flecha, R.; Racionero, S. (2008). Aprendizaje dialógico en la sociedad de la información. Barcelona: Hipatia
Roma, Gender, Romani Women, Education, Learning Communities
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