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Brief introduction

Profesor lector, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)


Phd in Sociology. 2004. University of Barcelona

Academic profile

My research work in RTD and R&D projects has focused particularly on all matters relating to the development of the methodology of projects. I was working with vulnerable groups, especially with Roma community. This work has been documented in various publications including IN-Recs and Latindex catalog and in the presentation of communications at congresses. I am currently the coordinator of the project PERARES in Spain and the official member of two research and development projects. The year 2009 brought to term a postdoctoral stay at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Chicago) where I worked at the International Center for Qualitative Inquiry, led by Dr. Norman Denzin. Between 2009 and 2010 I published four papers in international scientific journals of impact directly related to methodological issues. In March 2011 I edited a monograph on critical communicative methodology in the journal Qualitative Inquiry, located in the first quartile of the area of ​​interdisciplinary social sciences JCR. I have recognized two sections of Research for the periods (1999-2004 and 2005-2010) by the Catalan Agency for Quality of University System.


  • Gómez, A.; Puigvert, L.; Flecha, F. 2011. Critical Communicative Methodology: Informing Real Social Transformation Through Research. Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 13(3), 235-245
  • Gómez, A.; Racionero, S.; Sordé, T. 2010. Ten Years of Critical Communicative Methodology. International Review of Qualitative Research, vol 3(1), 17-43
  • Valls, R.; Gómez, A. 2007. Romà's contribution to European Identity. Khun, M. Who is the European? A New Global Player. New York: Peter Lang. 105-120.


Research methods, qualitative methodology

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