
Aleksandar MARINOV  

Country of residence

United Kingdom

Brief introduction

PhD Candidate Human Geography (Swansea University)


Academic profile

I like to see myself as a product of migration and personally I have always wanted to find out what are its impacts. In other words, I would like to explore in greater depth how the processes of increased Romani migration, a phenomenon resulting from the opening of borders within Europe in the last decade, could relate to notions of Romani identity, culture, traditions, customs and ideas of Romanipe – the set of factors, laws, behavior, or feelings which would define the Roma people, or the essence of being a Roma. The concept of Romanipe occupies a major role in my research. Even though it seems that there are several takes on Romanipe and there is little consensus among scholars of Romani studies on the question what Romani identity is, my research interests gravitate towards getting a deeper understanding on the relationships between migration, displacement, identity formation, emergence of ‘culture of migration’, sub-groups, and how all this relates to the concept of Romanipe. Moreover, as new technologies, electronic gadgets, and the use of internet seem to increasingly prevail in our communities I am quite keen on exploring in greater scope their roles when analyzing perceptions of displacement, mobilities, awareness raising regarding (a shared) Romani identity, self-identification, and relationships with ‘the Other’.



Romani migration, mobilities, displacement, identity, ‘Romanipe’

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