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Brief introduction

MA Student, MA History – Migration and Global Interdependence, Universiteit Leiden


MA Arts and Humanities, Laurea magistrale in Philology and hermeneutics of literary texts, Università degli Studi di Verona (Italy)

Academic profile

In my thesis, “Encounters Between Italian and ‘Gypsy’, a Historical and Anthropological Look From 1400 to Today”, I looked at the cultural and ethnical diversity from a historical point of view. Fist of all I analyzed how the diversity in general was considered in the past and then I studied how Italian people related to Gypsies who arrived in their peninsula: refusal was the main behavior, but I also found examples of integration and assimilation. For this aspect I researched in the archive of Venice and I analyzed some documents from the XVI and XVIII centuries. I also described the Italian  representation of the Roma during the Modern Age, in painting, in literature, in erudite treatises, and in popular culture. In conclusion, I aimed to study how Roma related to non-Roma and how they survived centuries of persecutions. I would like to continue to investigate, from a historical point of view and with an interdisciplinary approach, about identity, as well as ethnical and cultural diversity, in order to understand and respect the differences among human beings. In particular I’m still interesting about the construction of the identity as consequence of the relationship between Roma and non-Roma people. Indeed I would like to examine why no-Roma people during the past (from XVI to XX centuries) have approached Roma - the Other and the Hybrid par excellence - in some specific ways that often are still presents nowadays.


  • 2012 Gipsy Lore Society Conference: A particular Other: a Venetian document of 1719 as a case study on the relationship of the local community with the Gypsies.


Roma, Other, Multicultural Relationship, Cultural History, Migration.

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