

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Postdoctoral Associate Researcher (fellowship by Foundation of Sciences and Technology – FCT), CRIA (Centre for Research in Anthropology) – IUL, Lisbon, Portugal


PhD, Anthropology of Education, 2006, University of Florence

Academic profile

Micol Brazzabeni, since 2008, is a Post-doctoral research fellow at the Center for Research in Anthropology (CRIA) in Lisbon, Portugal. Actually her research is about ways in which Gypsies make a living through economic activities on the margin or outside of direct state intervention, and processes of commodification: especially in street selling activities in Lisbon and horse trading in the South of Portugal. Her first research was about the relationships between spaces and emotions, social and institutional suffering and housing processes within some families of Portugueses Gypsies. She obtained her PhD at the University of Florence (Faculty of Educational Sciences) in Anthropology of Education. She has conducted her PhD research in Brazil, with the Maxakali indigenous group in State of Minas Gerais in 2004-2005: Investigation was about the process of creation and development of the indigenous school, the training course for indigenous teachers and the processes of domestication of school by the Maxakali.


  • 2008, La scuola di carta. Una ricerca di antropologia della formazione tra i Tikmũ’ũm di Minas Gerais (The paper school. A study of anthropology of education among the Tikmũ’ũm teachers of Minas Gerais), CISU, Roma
  • 2011a (forthcoming), “Já abalaste? Rumour and fama in the organization of lived space”, Etudes Tsiganes, Theodosiou, A., Brazzabeni, M. (eds.), Special Issue
  • 2011b (forthcoming), “De bairro em bairro: uma família cigana em Vila Real de Santo António entre discriminação burocrática e social e possíveis formas de vida” (From borough to borough: a Gypsy family in Vila Real de Santo António between bureaucratic and social discrimination and possible ways of life), in Pereira Bastos, J. (ed.), Portugueses Ciganos e Ciganofobia, Lisboa: Colibri, NEA/CEMME/CRIA.


Social suffering, spaces and emotions, informal economies, Gypsies, indigenous schools

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