
Catalina TESAR (Romanian)  

Country of residence


Brief introduction


PhD in Social Anthropology, UCL, 2013

Academic profile

For my PhD in social anthropology I carried out two year fieldwork among a Romany speaking Roma community from central Romania (Transylvania). My interests with this community revolve around the practice of arranged early age marriage and its meanings in the context of local representations of kinship, gender, body, property relations and wealth. I am interested in understanding how some of the social and economic mechanisms, such as the intrusion of capital coming from mobility and, the incorporation of new medical technologies, influence the competion on the marriage market and also, the decrease of the marrital age. I also look at the status of women exchanged in marriage and tackle the dynamics of gender power relations along kinship and age lines. As a TOM Marie Curie fellow researcher at FIERI, Torino, Italy, I worked on a project on Romanian Romany migration to Italy. On that occasion I worked with so-called „traditional” Roma from Northern Romania, Moldova, on issues such as economic activities abroad (begging), renegotiation of kinship relations in migration contexts, remittances and inter-ethnic relations in home and migration contexts.


  • 2012 “Becoming rom (male), becoming romni (female) among Cortorari Romanian Roma. On body and gender”,  Romani Studies Vol 22
  • 2011 “Tigan bun traditional in Romania, cersetor de-etnicizat in strainatate. Politici ale re-prezentarii publice si etica muncii la romii Cortorari” (Good „traditional” Gypsies in Romania, de-ethnicized beggars abroad. Politics of representations and work ethics among Romanian Cortorari Roma), in Toma, S. and L. Fosztó (eds) Spectrum. Cercetari sociale despre romi. Ed ISPMN- Kriterion: Cluj Napoca, pp 281-313
  • 2010“Cigányok, romák és románok: a bűnözés etnicizálása a román és az olasz médiában” (Romanians, Roma and Gypsies in the Romanian media), in Blokk - Social Science Review, vol. 4, n. 3/ 2010, pp 83-86


Gypsies, kinship, gender, migration, economy

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