
Carmen María ELBOJ  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Profesora Titular de Universidad, Saragossa University


Doctora en Sociología. 2001. University of Barcelona

Academic profile

The line of research in which most of my research trajectory is framed is focused on cultural minorities: the case of the gypsy community, overcoming of inequalities and education. Some of the most important projects in which I have taken part are the following. At European level, I have participated in project WORKALÓ. The occupational Creation of new patterns for cultural minorities: The Creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities: The Gypsy Case. RTD Project. 5th Framework Programme. DG XII. Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base. European Commission. I have been the senior researcher of the project Gypsy Woman and Associationism in Spain. Challenges and contributions, financed by National Plan I+D+I. Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs-Woman Institute. Also I have participated in different projects related to the gypsy community like the project Gypsy women against the exclusion. Overcoming of the absenteeism and scholastic failure of gypsy children and adolescents, project including within National Plan I+D+I. of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, and in different projects related to cultural minorities like the project Improvement of coexistence and learning in the educative centers of primary and secondary with immigrant pupils financed by National Plan I+D+I. Ministry of Education. At the moment, I am working in project TRANSROMA. Transnational strategies of mobility, return and practices between Rumanian gypsy population, project framed in the National Plan I+D+i and that has effect until 2013.


  • Elboj, C.; Niemelä, N. 2010. Sub-communities of mutual learners in the classroom Psicodidáctica, nº 15 (2), pp. 177-189. 2010.
  • Elboj, C.; Puigvert, L. 2006. Interactions among “Other Women”: Creating personal and social meaning. Journal of Social Work Practice, vol. 18, nº 3, pp. 351-365.
  • Aubert, A.; Elboj, C.; García, R.; García, J. 2010. Contrato de Inclusión dialógica. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, nº 67(24,1), pp. 95-114.


Learning communities, mobility, inclusión, social cohesion, anti-discrimination

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