
Chiara Manzoni (Italian)  

Country of residence


Brief introduction


PhD in Applied Sociology and Methodology, 2013, University of Milan-Bicocca.

Academic profile

I am a young passionate and curious researcher with a social science background, with competence in varied methodological strategies. I have had different training opportunities both qualitative and quantitative due to the different university departments where I studied and worked and the different summer schools I attended. My Ph.D thesis deals with the housing matters of Roma people. Drawing on three year of multisite ethnography and in-depth qualitative interviews with Roma living in Turin (Italy), my thesis shows why they remain illegal settlements as well as legalized camps managed by local authorities (nomad camps), or why they leave them. Housing careers are the core of the analysis in a comparative perspective: housing careers of people leaving slums are compared with those of people leaving legal shelter. In particular I analyzed and compared the housing careers of Roma who left the unauthorized slums and the legal shelters managed by local authorities, opting for alternative housing solutions. Life stories have been collected thanks to a three years multisite ethnography in Turin (Italy), Suceava and Bucarest (Romania) and Banja Luka (Bosnia).  In particular I focus on the different social mechanisms that explain different pathways, between structural constraints and individual strategies. During the Ph.D I took part to an academic research group, improving my skills with software like Nvivo and Atlas.t, and also Spss and Stata. Thanks to the Essex Summer School in Social Science, Data Analysis and Collection “Applied Research with Marginal and Hidden Population” I learned how to sample and make research on small and marginal population. Recently I had a visiting experience at the University of St Andrews (UK), which allowed me to debate about my thesis’ issue with other experts.


* Manzoni, C., 2013, L'uscita dal campo e dalla baraccopoli: le carriere abitative dei rom, tra vincoli strutturali e strategie individuali. (PhD Dissertation, University of Milan-Bicocca). * Manzoni, C., Sarcinelli, A.S., in press, Colmare un vuoto. Gli effetti delle politiche invisibili per i rom di Milano e Torino, in Vitale T., Boschetti L., Processi di categorizzazione e effetti di segregazione. Rom tra politica, politiche e il potere dei luoghi, Cortina, Milano. * Manzoni, C., 2012, L’uscita dal campo: l’impatto delle politiche pubbliche sulle carriere abitative dei rom,


homelessness and housing exclusion, social inequalities, Urban studies, Segregation

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