
David SMITH  

Country of residence

United Kingdom

Brief introduction

Principal Lecturer in Sociology as applied to Health and Social Care, University of Greenwich


PhD Sociology, 2003, University of London

Academic profile

My general academic interests include the relations between economic and social change and social exclusion; poverty and inequality in contemporary society and the development and implementation of policies to promote social inclusion. I have applied these general areas more specifically to the position of Gypsies and Travellers in contemporary society. As a result I developed research expertise utilising various methods: documentary and policy analysis; literature reviews; primary survey research; ethnographic fieldwork, qualitative and focus group interviews and interviews with academics and policy practitioners working in relevant areas of expertise. I have applied these methods to issues such as the impact of and experiences of ‘enforced’ housing; the impact of housing on community relations; housing and health; economic life and labour market behaviour; access to health and health beliefs; perceptions and experiences of racism and discrimination; educational experiences and strategies to improve school attendance and educational outcomes.


  • Smith, D. and Greenfields, M. Gypsies and Travellers in Housing: The Decline of Nomadism. Bristol: Policy Press (for publication 2012).
  • Greenfields, M. And Smith, D. ‘Housed Gypsies and Travellers: ethnicity exclusion and   adaptation in a post industrial economy’ Race and Class (for publication January 2012)
  • Greenfields, M and Smith, D. (2010) ‘Housed Gypsy Travellers, Social Segregation and the Reconstruction of Communities’ Housing Studies, Vol. 25, No. 3, May, pp. 397-412


Inclusion, inequalities, health, education, housing.

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