
Ethel BROOKS  

Country of residence

United States

Brief introduction

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies / Associate Professor, Departments of Women’s and Gender Studies and Sociology, Rutgers University


PhD in Politics, 2000. New York University, New York, NY, USA

Academic profile

I am a Romani-American scholar and activist. The main focus of my research is on political economy, gender and racial formations, visual cultures, productivities, the right to the city, the increasing violence against Roma worldwide and the legacies of the Holocaust for Roma and Sinti. My earlier work was on trasnational organizing in the garment industry, for which I carried out fieldwork in Bangladesh, El Salvador and New York City. More recently, I have been working on the Romani right to the city and questions of citizenship and belonging for Roma in Europe and globally.  I have expertise in multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork and the use of mixed methods in carrying out my research; I have been especially interested in the possibilities of testimony and the reconfiguration of the archive. I am interested in questions of epistemology and the possibilities of artistic practice for activism, and have a deep commitment to furthering Romani Studies through an engaged scholarly approach that does not separate theory from questions of practice, embodiment and the situation of Roma both historically and in the present period.


  • Unraveling the Garment Industry monograph.
  • Signs Comparative Symposium on Romani Feminisms.
  • Special issue of WSQ on Activisms.


Romani studies, gender, labor, racialisation, productivity

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