
Enikő VINCZE  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Professor, Babes-Bolyai University


PhD, Philosophy, 1997, Babes-Bolyai University

Academic profile

Teaching and research on identities and intersectionality, ethnicity and gender, nationalism and feminism, Roma women, access of Roma to school education, labor, health and housing. Between 2008 and 2011 she was the country team leader on the FP7 comparativ project EDUMIGROM, and the lead researcher for the ESF project “Equality through difference. Roma women’s access to the labor market” implemented in Romania. Her work enjoyed the support of the Institute for Research on Women at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey/New Brunswick  (January-May 2009); of the International Policy Fellowship, Open Society Institute, Budapest (2005-2006); of the Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship at the Institut für die Wiesenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna (April-June 2006); of the Bolyai scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1999-2001); of a Post-doctoral Fulbright fellowship at the University of California, Los Angeles (August 1998-June 1999) etc. Currently she is involved into the Working Group of Civil Society Organizations (, acting against ghettoization and for decent housing for Roma in Cluj.


  • Social exclusion at the crossroads of gender, ethnicity and class. A view through Roma women’s reproductive health / Excluderea socială la intersecţia dintre gen, etnicitate şi clasă. O privire prin prisma sănătăţii reproducerii la femeile Rome, Cluj: EFES, 2006.
  • Strategii identitare şi educaţie şcolară (Identity strategies and school education), Report on Romania – EDUMIGROM, Cluj: EFES, 2011 (co-author)
  • Accesul femeilor și bărbaților de etnie romă la muncă decentă. Viață cotidiană, politici și proiecte (The access of Roma women and men to decent work. Everyday life, policies and projects), Cluj: Desire, 2011 (editor)
  • Pauvre jeune femme rom! Réflexions sur la discrimination multiple des femmes rom et sur l'exclusion sociale, in Etudes Tsiganes, Etre une femme dans le monde tsigane, 2009, n°33-34, 162-192.
  • Red Poppies, documentary (50 min), 2006


Intersectionality; gender, ethnicity and class; Romani women; Roma access to education, labour and housing; spatialization of social exclusion

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