

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Research associate, Sorbian Institute in Bautzen/Germany


Dr. Phil. 2010 Leipzig University

Academic profile

As a student in the Leipzig Department of Ethnology I co-initiated a research group on Romany/Gypsy Studies (Forum Tsiganologische Forschung ) that aimed to function as a German intersection for an international network of scholars investigating Romany/Gypsy cultures. Based on ten years of occasional fieldwork on Roma/Gypsies in Transylvania I wrote my master thesis about the Gabor people in Transylvania, followed by my PhD thesis focusing on the Gabor as peripatetics that combine horizontal with vertical mobility. For the past few years I have also been involved in comparative fieldwork on the Sorbian Minority in my home region of Lusatia/East Germany. I served as Book Review Editor for the Gypsy Lore society’s journal, Romani Studies, during the past years, and participated in numerous networking activities in the field, including as a junior instructor at the CEU Summer School on Romany/Gypsy studies in Budapest.


  • Roma-/Zigeunerkulturen in neuen Perspektiven – Romani/Gypsy Cultures in New Perspectives. Leipzig 2008. (co-author: Johannes Ries)
  • Moderni z tradicije. Widy na kultury Romow/Cyganow/Modern aus Tradition. Ansichten zu den Kulturen der Roma/Zigeuner. Catalogue of the exhibition with the same title at the Sorbian museum Bautzen (SMB). Bautzen 2009. (co-authors: Theresa Jacobs, Jan Barth)
  • Roma/Zigeuner in Relationen. Ethnologische Anregungen für die vergleichende Minderheitenforschung. In: E. Tschernokoshewa, Udo Mischek (eds.): Beziehungsgeflecht Minderheit. Zum Paradigmenwechsel in der Kulturfor­schung/Ethnologie Europas. Münster-New York-München-Berlin 2009, p. 117–129. (co-author: Johannes Ries)


Customary strangers, Gabor, (middleman) minorities, peripatetics

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