
Federica SETTI (Italian)  

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Brief introduction

B.A. Cultural Anthropology, University of Siena M.A. Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology, University of Turin PhD Student in Anthropology & Education, University of Turin


Phd Student in Anthropology & Education

Academic profile

My recent researches focus on the experience of education and schooling for Roma and Sinti ethnic minorities in Northern Italy. The aim of my ethnographies is to contribute to the international debate on the relationships between main societies and “marginalised” minorities. The schooling processes of the Roma and Sinti people can be understood by looking at the asymmetric power relationships, which are historically present, between them and the majority societies. The purpose of these researches is to understand the processes of exclusion/inclusion of the young and teenage Sinti and Roma within the schools and the Higher Education. One of my research question is the following: how do the cultural and social constructions elaborated along the being-Roma/Sinti-being-Gage/non-Roma continuum shape young people’s school experience? The positioning along this continuum is strongly connected with the attendance to school, for example, going to school is a “thing of Gage”, as Sinti teenagers say. The experience of the “Lacio Drom” separated classes (established in Italy from 1965 to 1982) had a negative influence on the relationship between Sinti and Roma and the school. Nevertheless, the birth of Roma and Sinti associations and their activism has had a positive influence to the Roma and Sinti epistemology of the school, in the last decade.


  • Setti F. 2011, The experience of schooling for an unrecognized ethnic minority in Northern Italy: the Sinti of Trent, paper presented at EERA's ECER 2011, Freie University Berlin, (12-16 September 2011)
  • Setti F. 2010, “I nostri adulti sono rom, i vostri gagé. I bambini sono tutti uguali”. Etnografia della scolarizzazione e propriospettive tra bambini dassikané roma a Torino [“Our adults are Roma, Yours are Gagé. The children are all the same.” Ethnography of schooling and Propriospects among Dassikané Roma children in Turin], unp. M. A. Thesis, University of Turin.
  • Setti Federica (2012 in press), Elaborazione del Lutto: Etnografia e Storie personali in Trentino [The Processes of Mourning: Ethnography and Personal Histories in Trentino], Ricp La Rivista Italiana di Cure Palliative [The Italian Journal of Palliative Cares], Milano.


Ethnography of Education, Roma and Sinti, Migration Studies, Medical Anthropology, Moroccan Migrations

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