

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Research assistant, University of Kassel


MA Global Political Economy, University of Kassel, 2010

Academic profile

Currently, I work on my PhD thesis on transnational interest representation and organizing of Roma in the European Union. I am interested in activism and social movement perspectives on Roma organizing. Conducting interviews with Roma organizations and activists in several countries, my thesis takes a qualitative approach. Overall, my personal interests lies especially on the Czech Republic, as this has been one of my research foci and I have lived in a district, predominantly inhabited by Roma. My research before my PhD has mostly focused on political participation and activism of migrants and migrant workers in general, not limited to Roma migrants. Aside from my PhD research, I continue working on migrant worker rights. In this field, I am the coordinator of a research network (Research Network for Domestic Worker Rights).


  • Three Different Things - Having, Knowing, and Claiming Rights: Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers in Germany, in: Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.), Irregular Migrant Domestic Workers in Europe: Who Cares?, Aldershot: Ashgate (forthcoming in 2012, together with Helen Schwenken).
  • Review: Susanne Jörg, „Gehen Sie freiwillig oder sollen wir Sie abschieben?“ Eine Ethnographie der Duldung.Saarbrücken: VDM, 2010 (139pp), in: Austausch, Vol. 1, No. 1 (April 2011),
  • Cooperation or Confrontation? Migrant Political Participation in Essen and Newark, Working Paper New Research in GPE 2011, Kassel.


Activism, networks, EU, participation, migration

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