
Ilona TOMOVA  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Population and Human Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


PhD, Sociology, 1984, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Academic profile

Dr. Ilona Tomova has studied the ethnic relations and inequalities since 1989. She participated in and led 45 research projects (15 international and 30 national), most of which (41) studied ethnic issues: construction of ethnic identity; ethnicity and social inequalities; ethnicity and social exclusion; poverty, ethnicity and gender; migrations; ethnic representations, social distances, stereotypes and prejudices; monitoring on social policies, aimed at integrating of marginalised ethnic minorities, etc. She has published 53academic publications (4 monographs and 49 articles) in different academic journals and editions (19 of them in English or other languages, 34 in Bulgarian). Dr. Ilona Tomova was on study leaves at the University of Montreal (1994), Yale University (2001), Institute for Advanced Studies “Collegium Budapest” (2002-2003), Kulturwissenschaftliches institut, Essen (2003), Max Planck Institute for Cultural Anthropology, Halle (October 2006-March 2007).


  • Health and Roma Community, Bulgaria National Report, 2009, Madrid: FSG, 146 p. (in Bulgarian)
  • Ethnic Relations in the Army, 2002, Sofia: IMIR, 156 p. (in Bulgarian)
  • The Gypsies in the Transition Period. Sofia: IMIR, 1995.


Ethnicity, nationalism, social exclusion, inequalities

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