

Country of residence

Czech Republic

Brief introduction

Lecturer/Researcher, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy


PhD. in Culturology, 2006, Department of Theory of Culture (Culturology), Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague

Academic profile

In 1999 I coordinated research in Gypsy/Roma settlements for the Slovak government and since then I carry on my own fieldwork in Gypsy/Roma settlements in eastern Slovakia. In 2003 I began my research in the so called “Gypsy ghettos” in northern Bohemian towns. Except for research and academic activities I closely cooperate with the Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labour and Social affairs of the Czech Republic and with several NGOs in the Czech and Slovak Republics and participate mainly in their educational projects. The main aim of my publication activities, teaching and other public activities (lectures for clerks, policemen, etc.), is introducing the Western social sciences discourse on Gypsy/Roma to the Czech (and Slovak) Republic. I am extensively engaged in publishing translations of established social scientists who have written on Gypsies/Roma in last more than 30 years ( M. T. Salo, J. Okely, T. San Román, C. Silverman, L. Tcherenkov and S. Laedrich, A. Mirga, W. Cohn, W. Kornblum, W. Wilems, I. Pogany, M. Kovats, S. B. Gmelch, ) so that the Czech public get acquainted with it.


  • Jakoubek, Marek (2010) From believers to compatriots. The case of Vojvodovo – ´Czech´ village in Bulgaria, Nations and Nationalism 16/4, p. 675-695.
  • Jakoubek Marek (2010) Vojvodovo – etnologie krajanské obce v Bulharsku. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury (CDK).
  • Jakoubek, M. & Budilová, L. – Kinship, Social Organization and Genealogical Manipulation in Gypsy Osadas in Eastern Slovakia, Romani Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1 (June 2006), p. 63-82.


Gypsies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic, Czech(oslovak) compatriots in Bulgaria, Theory of ethnicity, Community studies

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