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Brief introduction

Professor, The University of Western Australia


PhD 1979, Higher Accreditation Commission of the USSR, MD 1971, Sofia Higher Medical Institute /

Academic profile

While my PhD thesis is in the field of biochemical genetics, for the last 18 years my major research interests have focused on the genetic history of European Roma, hereditary disorders of public health importance, molecular epidemiology, and the discovery of new genes.  I was the first researcher to publish in this field and I am still recognised as the world’s leading expert.  My work has been in collaboration with clinical and genetic colleagues from Bulgaria, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Romania and the US.  Contact and consultations with cultural anthrologists Elena Marushiakova and Vesselin Popov have played an important role in this research, allowing an understanding of the structure of Roma society and the biological implications of social history.


I was the first to initiate studies of population genetics and history, and genetic disorders of the European Roma.


Genetics, population history, hereditary diseases

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