

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Assistant Professor-Dozent (in the German-like Hungarian system) University of Pécs / Researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


PhD from Humboldt University, Department of European Ethnology, 2004. / Habilitation from University of Pécs, 2010

Academic profile

Margit Feischmidt is cultural anthropologist and works as a research fellow at the Institute of Minority Studies at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is also assistant professor at the Department of Communication and Media Studies University of Pécs, Hungary, where she leads the Cultural Anthropology Unit of the Department. She teaches courses related to ethnicity, nationalism, migration and social memory, as well as qualitative methods. She holds a doctoral degree in European ethnology from Humboldt University for an ethnographic investigation of nationalism and ethnicity in everyday life in a Transylvanian town. This became later a collaborative project with Rogers Brubaker, Jon Fox and Liana Grancea, published as a book in 2006. She also worked years long on a project about immigrant children in the Hungarian schools, and started to investigate phenomena of racism and strategies of mobility and identification among the Roma in Hungary. She worked in the EDUMIGROM project supported by the FP7 framework program. Devoted to new normative approaches of cultural and ethnic difference she published some years ago the first reader on multiculturalism in Hungarian, and continues to write and teach in this sense.


  • Etnicitás. Különbségteremtő társadalom (Ethnicity. Distinction and difference) (Editor and Introduction). Budapest: Gondolat. 2010.
  • Nationalist Politics and Everyday Ethnicity in a Transylvanian Town. 2006, Princeton University Press (with Rogers Brubaker, Jon Fox and Liana Grancea).
  • Ethnizität als Konstruktion und Erfahrung. Symbolstreit und Alltagskultur im Siebenbürgischen Cluj. (Ethnicity as Social Construct and Experience. Symbolic conflict and everyday life in the Transylvanian Town, Cluj) Münster-Hamburg-London: LIT-Verlag, 2003.


ethnicity, nationalism, migration, multiculturalism, qualitative methods

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