
RÖVID Márton  

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Brief introduction

Research and Policy Officer, Decade Secretariat


PhD in International Relations and European Studies, Central European University

Academic profile

Márton Rövid is a PhD candidate at the International Relations and European Studies Department of Central European University. In the course of his doctoral research, Márton studies cosmopolitan theories and the notion of trasncendence of national citizenship in the light of the case of Roma, an allegedly non-territorial nation. Márton holds an MA of International Relations and Economics (Budapest University of Economic Sciences) and a DEA of Relations Internationales (Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris). He took part in numerous international researches (University of Manchester, CEU, etc.), worked for a couple of NGOs either as a researcher (European Roma Rights Center, East-Central-European Cultural Observatory) or as a volunteer on the ground (mostly with Roma communities). In the course of his doctoral studies, Márton has been a visiting fellow at the Sociology Department of Yale University, the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs, and the Research Institute of Ethnic and National Minorities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Márton's research interests include: the Romani movement, multiculturalism, minority politics, global civil society, democratic theory


  • Márton Rövid – Angéla Kóczé: “The pro-Roma global civil society: acting out for, with or instead of Roma?” in: Global Society Yearbook 2012 edited by Kaldor Maldor, Helmut Anheier, and Marlies Glasius, Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming
  • Márton Rövid: “One-Size-Fits-All-Roma? On the Normative Dilemmas of the Emerging European Roma Policy”, Romani Studies, Vol. 21. No. 2, 2011.
  • Márton Rövid: ”Az Európai Unió szerepe a romák társadalmi integrációjában: kontextus, dilemmák, lehetőségek [The role the European Union in the social integration of Roma: contexts, dilemmas, potentials]”, Európai Tükör, March, 2011.


the Romani movement, multiculturalism, minority politics, democratic theory

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