
Mayte Martín (Spanish)  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Currently a PhD candidate in sociology, I have extensive experience managing European funded projects aimed at combating discrimination. These projects have offered me the opportunity to be instrumental in the development of a cultural mediation model for the Irish health sector since 2002. As a consequence, I have spoken at conferences and seminars at local, national and European level over the past twelve years. In addition to this, I have participated in publications and academic papers relating to a variety of topics including intercultural communications, cultural mediation, language, interpreting, and minority ethnic communities among others. Previously I lectured for several years in the School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University.


Masters in Sociology, UCD, Ireland (2011) Masters in International Relations and Communications, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1999)

Academic profile

I study the systematic exclusion of Roma people. My research is concerned with the social and cultural context of anti-Gypsyism. While my research does not pursue a comparative analysis, I examine media of different ideological perspectives and in different countries, in order to underline their common patterns. My interest resides in the structures of meaning and knowledge that, while help collective groups to understand their world, contributes to anti-Gypsyism.


Hess A. and Martín, M. (2014) ‘Julio Caro Baroja: Cultural Sociologist Avant-La-Lettre’, International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2nd Edition. Elsevier. Martín, M. and Phelan M. (2010) ‘Interpreters and Cultural Mediators - different but complementary roles’, Translocations: Migration and Social Change, 6 (1). Martín, M. (2008) ‘The Roma population in Europe: a brief look at the Situation in Ireland’ Translocations: Migration and Social Change 4(1): 118-127.


Sociology, Romani Studies, Anti-Gypsyism, Discourse Analysis, Cultural Sociology

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