

Country of residence

United Kingdom

Brief introduction


M.A. Dance History and Criticism

Academic profile

Dance and education are disciplines that I have devoted my life to and decided to use as the vehicle toteach. Attending the UW-Madison and working towards my B.F.A in Dance, and at UNMAlbuquerque where I completed an MA in Dance History and a minor in Curriculum and Instruction in Education, I have learned that movement is the threshold of my culture, art, experiences, and future. I use dance, history, activism and education to communicate, share, and inspire others, young and old, to use me as the springboard for their own development. My Gitana/Roma heritage allows me to have empathy, passion, compassion, and a critical eye to the world that surrounds us. Teaching is my inspiration to create in the world, reflect on the world, as well as address issues of social injustice, race, class, and gender inequalities. My pedagogical approach and methodology follows the progressive frameworks of John Dewey and Paulo Freire while using my Four P’s (Passion and Patience) (Presence and Practice). The theoretical sides of my career and research not only inform the practical sides of my dance training, but also influence my choreography and approach to studying and training within the dance world. I am always finding a way to bridge both worlds.



Flamenco, Gitanos, Feminism, Dance, History, Education , Youth advocacy

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