Pauline LANE
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Brief introduction
Reader in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education
PhD in Comparative Studies (Sociology) University of Essex (UK) 1995
Academic profile
I have been working with Gypsy communities and other minorities in the UK for a number of years. My areas of expertise include participatory enquiry, health, social inclusion and applied research.
I have acted as a governmental advisor on minority health issues for a number of years, sitting on a wide number of governmental committees for the Department of Health and the Home Office (UK). I am interested in working with other European academics on Roma health issues and social inclusion.
I have been working with the Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group on a research project for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on Ageing in Gypsy Families. Our research will contribute towards their campaign in 2012 and we have just completed a paper for peer review.
- Lane P, Spencer. S, McCready, M. Page B. (2012) Ageing in Gypsy Families. Ageing and Society (the paper has been completed and is due to be submitted for peer review in January 2012)
- Short film for training doctors on working with Gypsy communities
- Lane, P., & Tribe, R. (2010). Towards an understanding of the cultural health needs of older gypsies: an introduction. Working with Older People, 14 (2), 23–30.
Health, inclusion, equality, participatory research
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