
Raluca Bianca ROMAN  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Master student, University College London/ University of Helsinki


Academic profile

My interests lie in the field of minority rights, focusing on the link between Roma migration and the articulation of minority rights politics at the European level. My current research is centred on the Romanian Roma community in Finland, looking specifically at Roma-Roma relationships in the Finnish context. More concretely, I am interested in how the process of migration has influenced their relationship with the Finnish Roma community and hindered/fostered the creation of a cross-national Roma solidarity and social mobilization.


  • „ Everyday forms of national identity: language as ethno-national symbol” in Cormoş, , Graţian (ed.), Viziuni critice, vol. 7, 2010, Editura Argonaut, Cluj Napoca
  • „Secularization and counter-secularization. Modern religious values in Romanian society.” 2010.  in Cormoş, , Graţian (ed.), Teze si antiteze ale modernitatii, Vol. 6, 2009, Editura Argonaut, Cluj Napoca
  • „Neo-Protestant confessional education and the process of counter-secularization in post socialist Romania”. 2009. Studia Sociologia, Universitatea „Babes Bolyai”, Cluj Napoca.
  • Collaborative Researcher with Network 'Romanis in Europe':


Minority rights, EU, Social mobilization, Migration, Cultural autonomy

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