
Svetlana CIRKOVIC  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Research assistant , Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, Belgrade


PhD, Linguistics, 2011, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade MA, Linguistics, 2005, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

Academic profile

My interest in Roma issues dates from 2002, when I started fieldwork researches in different Roma settlements, and with different Roma group in Serbia. Mainly I have been working on Roma traditional culture and oral history. Regarding to my linguistic orientation, with the special interest in linguistic anthropology and critical discourse analysis, I analyse Roma discourse from the perspective of how they express their traditional culture, and how they talk about their history in Serbian language, as their second language. Especially I’m interested in the way in which Roma express stereotypes about themselves, which I consider imposed by majority population. Fieldwork researches with non-Roma population show that it is important to pay special attention on stereotypes about Roma which are dominant in non-Roma population and how they are implemented in public discourse. Since the Roma community is the most marginalized community in Serbia, I’m interested in social context and living conditions Roma live in. Besides all mentioned above, I’m also interested in the way Roma traditional culture is changed or transformed by the influence of modern world, everyday life, and how it is intertwined with other traditional cultures in multicultural communities.


  • Temporal dimensions of Kurban for the Deceased: Refugees from Kosovo and Metohija, in: Kurban in the Balkans (Biljana Sikimić and Petko Hristov, eds.), Belgrade 2007, 87–108.
  • Ethnic stereotypes about Roma in Serbia: pragma-linguistic analysis [Etnički stereotipi o Romima u Srbiji: pragmalingvistička analiza], in: Social Sciences about Roma in Serbia [Društvene nauke o Romima u Srbiji], (Ljubomir Tadić and Goran Bašić, eds.), Belgrade 2007, 169–186.
  • Kurban for the deceased: anthropolinguistic and cognitive-linguistic analysis of temporal categories [Kurban za mrtve: antropolingvistička i kognitivnolingvistička analiza vremenskih kategorija], in: Animal sacrifice. The transformation of a ritual [Krvna žrtva. Transformacije jednog rituala] (Biljana Sikimić, ed.) Belgrade 2008, 207–227.


Stereotypes about Roma and Roma self-presentation, Serbian language as Roma second language, Roma traditional culture, mixed marriages, Roma oral history

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