
Stefan BENEDIK  

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Brief introduction

Research Fellow at the University of Graz


PhD candidate in History, University of Graz

Academic profile

I’m trained as a historian and cultural anthropologist with a special focus on feminist approaches and cultural studies. My research interests are "Race"/Gender/Class, Romani Migrations, Intersections of Performativity and Memory, 20th Century-Central Europe. I’ve been contributing to Romani-related research projects e.g. on migration and gender, on Romani migrations within Central Europe and especially on the issue of begging migrations from a perspective of media coverage and NGOs. Currently I am a holder of a DOC-teamscholarship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and member of the research-team “Shifting Romipen”.


  • Rozvoj v pohybu. Souvislosti a důsledky transnacionální migrace Romů a Romek z okresu Rimavská Sobota/Rimaszombat (Slovensko) do Grazu (Rakousko) co-authored with Barbara Tiefenbacher and Edit Szénássy, published in Romano Džaniben 17/1 (2011), 27–49.
  • Define the Migrant, Imagine the Menace. Remarks on Narratives in Recent Romani Migrations to Graz. In: Helmut Konrad, Stefan Benedik (Hg.): Mapping Contemporary History 2. Vienna, Cologne: Böhlau 2010. 159–176.
  • “Bettlerflut”? Kontexte und Images in transnationalen Romani Migrationen in die Steiermark [“Flodded with beggars”? Contexts and Images in transnational Romani Migrations to Styria]. Berlin 2012. co-authored with Barbara Tiefenbacher and Heidrun Zettelbauer.


Gender, Racialisation, Media, Migration

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