
Sofiya ZAHOVA  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Post-doctoral researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


PhD, Ethnology, 2011, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Academic profile

I implemented a number of research studies on Roma culture and identity, Roma communities in Southeastern Europe and literature by Roma authors in Europe. I presented the results of my research at a number of international scientific conferences and articles (in progress). My PhD dissertation research was implemented in Montenegro and included an extensive research on and among the Roma/Gypsy groups there, particularly with a focus on the influences that the independent state policies had on the identity of these groups. I also focus on the emergence of an Egyptian identity as consequence of the political processes at the end of 90s and the official adoption of the term “Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian population”. I’m also interested in researching how the EU-integration process of Western Balkan countries  affects the discourse on the Roma issues, as well as how the EU integration have influenced the Roma as citizens and as communities – in terms of identity transformations, labor possibilities, migration, etc.


  • ‘Refugee Migrations of Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptians to Montenegro and their Impact on the Communities’ Social and Cultural Development.’ – In: Sigona, Nando. (Ed.) Proceedings of International Conference “Romani Mobilities in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives”. Oxford. 2010, pp. 251-256
  • ‘Influences de la tradition folklorique dans la littérature par des Roms sur les Balkans.’ – In: Études Tsiganes. (forthcoming)
  • ‘Minority Policies in the Context of Montenegrin State-building‘ - In: Cordell, Karl (ed): Adjusting to Europe: Institutional Legacies of Communism and Ethnocultural Diversity. (under publication)


Roma communities’ identities; Nation-building in former Yugoslavia; ethno-cultural processes.

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