
Velcho M. KRASTEV  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

President of a managing committee - Regional society ”Technitary” town of Stara Zagora, Bulgaria - 2004 - present


PhD Student at the section “Bulgarian Ethnology” at IEFEM, BAS (The Institute of Folklore and Ethnography with Ethnographic Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Academic profile

Notable interest in the study and exhibition of the history and ethno-culture of the Romani. Investigation of the history, customs and traditions, their group religious and social belonging, economic engagement of the Romany and their depiction through books, scientific publications, participation in scientific forums. Investigation, collection, storing of objects, connected with the customs, crafts, traditions of the Romany from a historical point of view. Presentation through mobile exhibitions. Topics:
  • Economic commitment of the Romany from a historical point of view
  • Gender studies of the Romany ethnos in Bulgaria
  • The Romany in the military and paramilitary structures in Bulgaria, on the Balkan peninsula from a historical point of view


  • On the Long road… Life with the others (history, ethnosocial structure, life-style and culture of gypsy groups).// Evgeniya I. Ivanova, Velcho Krustev. Germany: LINCOM. 2008, 200 с.
  • Ромската жена – пространства и граници в живота й. [The Romany woman – spaces and limits in her life] // Евгения И. Иванова, Велчо Кръстев. Стара Загора: Литера принт. 2008, 304 с.
  • Видрица или 77 рецепти от циганската кухня. [Vidritza or 77 recipes from gypsy cuisine] // Евгения И. Иванова, Велчо Кръстев. Стара Загора: Кота. 2007, 112 с.


History, customs and traditions, crafts, religion

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