
Tommaso VITALE  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Associate Professor, Sciences Po, Paris


Ph.D. in Sociology, 2002, Università degli Studi di Milano

Academic profile

Tommaso Vitale, M.A. in Political Sciences (1999) and Ph.D. in Sociology at the Università degli Studi di Milano (2003), Certificate of Achievement awarded in the Program for Advanced Study in Comparative Institutional Analysis and Design at the Indiana University, Bloomington, USA (2004). Associate Professor of Sociology at Sciences Po (Paris, France), where he is the scientific director of the biannual master “Governing the Large Metropolis”. His main research interests are in the fields of Comparative Urban Sociology and of Urban Politics where he has published books and articles on conflicts and urban change, on spatial segregation, on social service planning, and on élite and local governance of industrial restructuring. He has been Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the Università degli Studi di Milano–Bicocca; and visiting scholar at the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (Bloomington, Indiana University), at the UMR Education et Société (INRP, Lyon) and at the Groupe de Sociologie Politique et Morale (EHESS, Paris). CURRENT RESEARCH FIELDS Roma and Sinti Segregation; Urban Stigma. Roma Groups and European Cities in a Multilevel Contention; The role of intellectuals in legitimizing racism; Urban Contention and Political Innovation; Third Sector Lobbying and Political Influence on Large City Government; Urban Elites, Governance of De-industrialization in City-Regions and Dynamics of Rent; Forms of Welfare Service Contracting at the Urban Level; Comparing Governance of Large Metropolis  (Paris, Londres, Mexico City, Sao Paulo)


  • I sondaggi e il loro uso. Problemi di cecità logica a partire dal caso dei Rom [Opinion Pools and their Use. Problems of Logical Blindness from the Roma Case], in Comunicazione Politica (Com Pol), n. 2/2011, pp. 167-95 (with E. Claps and P. Arrigoni).
  • « Les Roms ne sont pas encore prêts à se représenter eux-mêmes ! » Asymétries et tensions entre groupes Roms et associations « gadjé » à Milan”, in M. Berger, D. Cefaï, C. Gayet-Viaud (eds), Du civil au politique. Ethnographies du vivre-ensemble, Bruxelles, P.I.E. Peter Lang (with L. Boschetti), pp. 403-29. ISBN: 978-90-5201-747-7.
  • La condizione giuridica di Rom e Sinti in Italia [The Legal Status of Roma and Sinti in Italy]. Edited book (with Paolo Bonetti and Alessandro Simoni), it will be published by Giuffré in September 2011. 1.382 pages. Two tomes


Segregation; Urban Policy; Local Welfare; Planning; Governance

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