

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Teacher of Italian Literature, History and Geography in a secondary level school for adults Secondary School “Como Centro” (Italy)


PhD in Gender Studies, 2007, University Jaume I - Castellón de la Plana (Spain)

Academic profile

I did several ethnographic research projects in the context of Sinti and Roma communities in the North of Italy focusing on different theoretical discourses. Actually my main research interest is focusing on historical Anthropology of Sinti and Roma communities in North Italy from 1850 to the Italian fascism (1922-1945). My research project links ethnographical  and archival data, considering the Sinti and the Roma presence and their cultural discourse/ impact at the institutional level (policy, categorisation, discourses, issues of security and control). With this research I am working on my second PhD at the École des Hautes Eutudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris). Another research focus lies in the use of the writing in a Sinti community, contextualizing my data in the discussion of New Literacy and l’Anthropologie de l’écriture (see my PhD and Publications). A third research interest is focusing on policy making and Romanies (access to the National Health System, dwelling places for caravans and mobile home, legal status and minority rights).


  • Trevisan, P., 2009, Ecrire pour qui ? Auteurs, public et registres linguistiques dans les autobiographies des sinti italiens, «Études Tsiganes», N. 37, Vol. 2, pp. 90-109.
  • Trevisan, P., 2008, Etnografia di un libro. Scritture, politiche e parentela in una comunità di sinti, CISU, Roma.
  • Trevisan, P. (edit by)  2005, Storie e vite di sinti dell’Emilia, CISU, Roma


Medical anthropology, literacy, historical anthropology, anthropology of policy making

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