Ulderico DANIELE
Country of residence
Brief introduction
Teaching and researching assistant, University “Roma Tre”, Faculty of Education and Social Work
PhD in Ethnography and Ethnology, 2007, University “Sapienza” of Rome, Department of Demo-Etno-Antropological studies
Academic profile
My first field research (2004-2007) focused on a “nomads camp” in Rome where more than 800 Roma were settled. I analysed “the camp” as a policy template to concentrate and control the Roma within the city, and the relations with Italian society built in this scenario (local institutions and NGOs).
Following this research experience, I now focus on the issue of power and authorities within the Roma community settled in the nomads camp; so I am researching on the form of Roma participation in the local and national scenarios, their aims and methods, their rethorics and strategy.
Since 2008 up to now I have been interested in analysing the new “Emergency policies” towards Roma, at both local and national level.
Up to now, I am working on the situation of Roma youngsters, especially those living in the camps, analysing their relation with the urban space and the gagè society, in relation to their hopes, possibility and resources.
- Sono del campo e vengo dall'India. Etnografia di una collettività rom ridisclocata, Meti, Roma, 2011
- ‘Nomads’ in the Eternal City. Local policies and Roma participation in the ‘emergency’ era; Géocarrefour, vol. 86-1/2011, pp. 265-274
- Roma and humanitarism in the Eternal City (with I. Clough Marinaro), Journal of Modern Italian Studies 16(5) 2011, vol. 621–636
policies, participation, power and authority, youth
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