Country of residence
The Netherlands
Brief introduction
Researcher, docent, MA/BA theses supervisor, Leiden University
PhD, 2011, Leiden University
Academic profile
I have a very strong interest in research that may result in public policies that assure minority protection and safeguard fundamental rights of Roma. My research expertise includes Romaphobia; perceived threat, nationalism, acculturation processes; political socialization; adolescents; intergroup contact
- Ljujic, V. & Vedder, P.H. & Dekker, H. (2011) Romaphobia among Serbian adolescents: The role of national in-group attitudes and perceived threat. Political Psychology, in press.
- Ljujic, V. & Vedder, P.H. & Dekker, H. & Geel, M., van (2011) Romaphobia among Serbian and Dutch adolescents: The role of threat, nationalistic feelings and integrative orientations. Universiteit Tilburg, Paper presented at the Symposium Cross-Cultural Psychology.
- Ljujic, V. & Vedder, P.H. & Dekker, H & Geel, M., van (2010) Serbian adolescents' Romaphobia and their acculturation orientations towards the Roma minority. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Romaphobia, perceived threat, nationalism, acculturation
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