

Country of residence


Brief introduction

PhD student, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt an der Oder


Diploma (equal Master), Sociology, 2008, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Academic profile

The main focus of my research are Roma policies and politics in the European multi-layered system after 1990. More concretely, I (1) examine the paradigms of Roma policy - problem definitions, policy goals, programs, instruments and implementation – on national (Bulgaria), international and supranational level, (2) ask how Roma policy has been made and (3) seek to explain why it has failed to achieve its goals. Thereby I put special attention on the interactions within and between the different levels as well as on the ideas, interests and institutions that determine the outcomes of interactions.


  • Kavrakova, Yana. 2012. The Roma Issue in the European Multi Level System: Ideas, Interests and Institutions behind the Failure of Inclusion Policies. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, (10), 2012, forthcoming
  • Kavrakova, Yana. 2012. Paradigms of the Roma Issue in the European Multi Level System. Etudes Tsiganes, Special Issue, 2012 forthcoming


Roma inclusion, politics, policies, EU, Bulgaria

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