

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Lecturer, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland


PhD, cultural anthropology, 2011, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

Academic profile

My academic interests concentrate on problems connected to the relations between Romani communities and majority societies in Europe with special emphasis on Poland. I devote great amount of my research time to issues regarding Roma people extermination during World War II and to changes in the culture of various Roma group in Poland. My research activities focus also on financial support for Roma communities coming from EU as well as polish government. I am particularly interested in such areas as labour market, education, social situation, culture.  My interests also are closely linked to such issues as cultural diversity in contemporary world and mechanism which lead to creating stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination.


  • Persecution and mass holocaust of the Roma people during World War II in the light of reports and memories (Warsaw 2008) – coordinator of the project and creating documentary “Roma. Doomed to extermination”
  • Cultural identity of the Roma people in the globalization processes (Krakow 2008) – co-editor.
  • Co-inventor and coordinator of the research project regarding the situation of Roma children in special and mass schools in Poland and o-editor of the final report „Cognitive and linguistic functioning of Roma children attending the primary special and mass schools – social contexts”


Roma, minority, cultural diversity, EU funds, extermination during 2nd World War

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