
Léon GRIMARD (Canadian)  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Student and part time teacher (anthropology and development), Université de Montréal


Academic profile

I am very concerned about the more and more ongoing exclusion of targeted social groups in our Western societies, in every forms of it (social, economical, political, citizen and national identities), and of expending forms of «new racism», also called cultural racism. Those concerns lies on the general background interests about the historical pathology of Western Modernity relationship to Otherness, about my personal and professional  engagement in encountering Otherness, and about the necessity for our Western societies, and for humanity, to invent, define and apply new models of «living together» in this new and irreversible paradigm of Diversity, where, in the same time, we must engage not only in influencing policy makings, but also in changing the social imaginary of our societies and defending the oppressed and the poorest of the poors, for as the economist Amartya Sen said, we are in an era of globalisation of the Third World, for we can see that, more and more, large groups in the First World lives in the conditions of the Third World.


  • European Romani and Mobility: Binding Economics to the Social Field. Presentation at the 2010 American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting, New-Orleans, USA
  • Gypsy Nomadism: Cultural or Social Status? Presentation at the International Conference on Nomadism and Mobile Ways of Life in the Americas. Society for the Study of Continental America and the Caribbean / Konak Wien, Vienna, 2012
  • Gypsies of Perpignan: French Citizens, but Eternal Foreigners. Presentation at the 2012 American Anthropological Association’s annual meeting, San-Francisco, USA


Catalan Gypsies / Exclusion / New Racism / Diversity / Otherness

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