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Brief introduction

Director, Center for Social Work Ljubljana Bežigrad, Slovenia


Masters degree in Social Work

Academic profile

I am interessted in the complex process of modernization at Roma families and in which elements the family is the main factor in the integration process. The main part of my doctorat study was devoted to individual research work. Based on the subdivision map of the Roma settlement Hudeje and with the help of some Roma from this settlement, a list of families with family members was made. That is going to serve as a valuable tool for selecting a sample of 20 units to perform in-depth interviews. Seeing that the empirical research is going to be carried out by using the Gabek Winrelan program, this program was bought and studied. Contact has been made with Dr. Josef Zelgerjem, who developed the Gabek method. With him and his team, the first steps of research and testing of the program was entered. It was tested how to get through the databases, which can be obtained on the basis of outstanding issues, diary entries, records conversations, documentation of programs, files, etc., to the building of consistent statements or language groups and new semantic units. Coherent analysis was studied to create a pyramid, concerning the importance of the materials collected and classify its importance as a "gestalt", "hipergestalt" and "hiperhipergestalt", while also reducing the complexity of the original statements.


  • Integration of the Roma in the Slovene society (Bogoslovni vestnik = Theological Quarterly : glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani, Letn. 72, št. 3 (2012), str. 445-258).
  • Križanič, Matej. 2009. Ulično socialno delo (Social work on the streets). In: Vida Miloševič Arnold in Špela Urh, ur. Terensko delo: institucionalni, javni in zasebni prostori socialnega dela, 55-69, Ljubljana: Fakulteta za socialno delo.
  • Article in the project book (2011): The increase in social and cultural capital in areas with a Roma population (The development of different forms of help in learning for Roma children in the Roma community Hudeje).


Roma family, modernization processes, community social work

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