
Maria José CASA-NOVA  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Assistant professor, University of Minho, Institute of Education, Department of Social Sciences of Education


2008 - PhD in Socio-anthropology of education and culture, University of Granada, Department of Social Anthropology, Spain

Academic profile

I work and study with Portuguese Gypsies since 1991. I have developed my final graduation thesis, my master thesis, my PhD thesis and my Post-doc work with Portuguese Gypsies families in the North of Portugal. I have 15 years of fieldwork experience with Portuguese Gypsy families and with associations working with Gypsies in the field. I have been adviser of several non governmental institutions and of ACIDI –High commissariat by Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (a governmental institution). I have developed several seminars and training teacher on the relationship between Gypsies and School and vice-versa.


  • CASA-NOVA, Maria José (2009) Etnicitás, nem, iskolázottság.Tanulmány a családon belüli nemi szocializációról egy portói cigány közösségben. Budapest: Duna Palota Kulturális Kht, Hungria.
  • CASA-NOVA, Maria José (2009) Etnografia a produção de conhecimento. Reflexões críticas a partir de uma investigação com Ciganos (Ethnography and production of knowledge. Critical reflexions about a Cypsy Community). Lisboa: ACIDI
  • CASA-NOVA, Maria José (2008) Tempos e lugares dos ciganos na educação escolar pública (Times and Spaces of Gypsies in public education). In Joaquina Cadete (Dir.), 10 Anos de combate à exploração do trabalho infantil em Portugal. Lisboa: Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social, pp. 185-206


Sociology of Intercultural Education, Citizenship, Ethnicity, Gender, Social and Educational Public Policies

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