
Nadezhda GEORGIEVA-STANKOVA (Bulgarian)  

Country of residence


Brief introduction

Chief Assistant Professor, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria


Ph.D. in Sociology, 2007 Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), Warsaw, Poland, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS), Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR)

Academic profile

Previously, my academic research focused on different aspects of Romani culture and identity construction in novel processes of Romani ethnogenesis, political and cultural emancipation. In my doctoral thesis I tried to study the viability of the idea of the Romani nation and nation-building strategies on different local, national and supranational levels. It also involved studying the work and discursive positions of Romani intellectuals in the Romani media and in a number of political and cultural events. My work was additionally related to the problems of hate speech and media representation of the Roma in several research studies on the media in Bulgaria and in the OSCE area. Currently, I am working on aspects of the marginalization and exclusion of the Roma and Turkish minorities in Bulgaria as represented in media and public discourses and on rising nationalism in the country. Simultaneously, I am trying to identify the strategies and discursive positions, which can successfully help to overcome ethnic hostility and prejudices. Such “in-between” spaces of negotiating identity are equally sought in different examples of popular media genres, online communities, as well as in the work of Bulgarian and Romani intellectuals.


  • Georgieva, N. 2010. “Hybrid Identities: Romani “Border/Liminal” Intellectuals. A Case Study of Andral Romani Journal.”  In Eliaeson S. and Georgieva, N. (eds.) New Europe: Growth to Limits? The Bardwell Press. pp. 423-441.
  • Georgieva, N. 2010/3. “Rola mitu we współczesnych procesach emancypacji kulturalnej bułgarskich Romów” (“The Role of Myth in Contemporary Processes of Cultural Emancipation of the Bulgarian Roma”), Studia Romologica,  Rocznik Cyganologiczny Muzeum Okręgowego w Tarnowie, Tarnow, Polska. pp. 119-139.
  • Georgieva, N. 2006.  “’Bahtalo Te-avel Tumaro Ges!’ Contestation and Negotiation of Romani Identity and Nationalism through Musical Standardization”, Romani Studies, Series 5, Vol. 16, Number 1. Liverpool University. pp. 1-30


The Roma in Central and Eastern Europe, nationalism, race, ethnicity, mass media

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