Supporting Roma in Academia (proposals evaluated)

European Academic Network on Romani Studies Supporting Roma in Academia

UPDATE: See the Seminar Proposals and Research Internships offered funding within this call.

Call to members


The Scientific Committee of the European Academic Network on Romani Studies decided at its meeting in June 2012 to allocate some of the Network’s resources to a programme to support the participation of early career researchers of Romani background in academia. This decision was taken based on the recognition that the Network has a special responsibility toward promoting Romani participation in academic research in general and in Romani studies in particular. The Network also recognises the benefits of involving researchers of Romani background in research in Romani studies, including but not limited to the enrichment of conceptual perspectives, the expansion of fieldwork opportunities, and introspection. The Network and its sponsors therefore wish to address the issue of under-representation of Roma in academic forums while at the same time maintaining an ethos of scientific rigour and standards of academic quality. In this spirit, the Scientific Committee is inviting responses from members to the following Calls. Proposals and enquiries should be directed to the Network Secretary, László Fosztó <>.


Call 1: Proposal for organising a research seminar

Network members are invited to make proposals for a thematic research seminar of 1-3 days that will address specifically early career researchers (Ma and PhD students and graduates up to five years after completion) of Romani background. The proposal should include the following details:

– Name of the proposal author, academic affiliation, and contact details

– Title and theme of the proposed seminar (note that a specific thematic focus is preferred but proposals that seek to give an overview of a research problem from different perspectives will also be considered)

– Rationale for the proposed theme (its relevance to early career researchers of Romani background)

– Nominated lecturers (up to four including the organiser/ proposal author): name, position and affiliation, brief statement on expertise, and contact details

– Proposed programme for the seminar

– Proposed dates and venue

– A preliminary budget proposal, to include travel to and from and accommodation in the selected venue for up to 12 participants and up to 4 lecturers, and any related expenses (these should be explained and justified). The maximum budget is €12,000.

The closing date for proposals is 1 December 2012. Seminars must take place before June 2013.


Call 2: Proposal for organising a fieldwork seminar

Network members are invited to make proposals for a fieldwork seminar of 2-3 days that will address specifically early career researchers (Ma and PhD students and graduates up to five years after completion) of Romani background. Fieldwork seminars should offer participants guidance in planning fieldwork and/or archive research work, and should build into the programme a concrete opportunity to pilot the fieldwork/archive work plan and to assess its results.

The proposal should include the following details:

– Name of the proposal author, academic affiliation, and contact details

– Title and theme of the proposed fieldwork/archive research (note that a specific thematic focus is preferred but proposals that seek to give an overview of a research problem from different perspectives will also be considered)

– Rationale for the proposed theme (its relevance to early career researchers of Romani background)

– Nominated second instructor (in addition to the proposal author): name, position and affiliation, brief statement on expertise, and contact details

– Proposed programme for the seminar

– Proposed dates, venue, and fieldwork location

– A preliminary budget proposal, to include travel to and from and accommodation in the selected venue for up to 6 participants and up to 2 instructors, and any related expenses (these should be explained and justified). The maximum budget is €7,000.

The closing date for proposals is 1 December 2012. Seminars must take place before June 2013.


Call 3: Proposal for internship at an academic institution

Network members are invited to nominate early career researchers (Ma and PhD students and graduates up to five years after completion) of Romani background for an internship of up to two months at the member’s academic institution. Note that ‘Romani background’ will be determined on the basis of applicants’ self-declaration and mention of their Romani background in the academic reference provided by the Network member.

The proposal should include the following details:

– Name of the proposal author, academic affiliation, and contact details

– Details of the nominee, including an updated CV, the nominee’s statement of intent containing a research plan, and a letter from the nominee explaining how they will benefit from the internship

– A letter of nomination and academic reference from the proposal author (host) and academic reference from a full member of the Network, and a statement of from the applicant along with the applicant’s CV.

– A letter of confirmation from the host institution confirming that it will be able to facilitate an internship of up to two months

– Proposed dates of the internship

– Preliminary budget including the intern’s travel to and from the host institution, accommodation and subsistence, and institution fees if applicable. Total costs for one internship may not exceed €3,000.

The closing date for proposals is 1 December 2012. Internships must take place before June 2013.


Call 4: Dissemination of academic papers by early career researchers of Romani background

Network members and affiliated members of Romani background are invited to submit their academic work for publication on the Network’s website. Submissions should include the following details:

– An electronic version of the paper, in Word of PDF format

– The paper’s format should include a) the title of the paper, b) author’s name and affiliation and/or contact details, c) year of completion/publication/ submission, d) up to ten keywords for indexing purposes.

– At least one letter of reference from an established academic who is a full member of the Network recommending online publication of the paper.

Submissions will be considered from 1 September 2012.

You can download this call in PDF here.